April News

May 16, 2011 10:26 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

I'm pleased to announce that the April Team Tennis tournament went off without a hitch, nary a drop of rain in sight.  It was a full tournament with the number of men and women pretty even though one team had only 2 women.  The social theme was April in Provence and the team names were, subsequently, a Gallic mouthful: Arcs de Triomphe, Louvres, Musees d'Orsai, Tours Eiffel.  It was a little odd pluralizing all of these one-of-a-kind landmarks but RSTC is always up for a challenge!

Congratulations to Les Tours Eiffel who towered over the rest of us.  The team of Captain (and Photographer) Sundar Venkatewaran, Steve Hogan, Paul Insel, Don Smith, Annette Vernon, and Laurie Merrill were formidable.  They were rewarded certicates at Amicis, and everyone was rewarded with a fine day of tennis.

The social at John and Natalie Jordan's chateau was a lovely affaire a quatre-vinght.  We've done French before and we're getting pretty good at it!  We started with champagne and raspberry wine, et al.  I'm a little fuzzy on everything after that, hee hee!  There was cheese and pate for appetizers (always a good bet for a French party), I brought a Salade Lyonnaise (I'd never poached eggs before -- it was HARD to clean the poachy remains off the bottom of my stainless steel pot), desserts involved a lot of heavenly chocolate.

Thank you to John Hogan, Tournament Director who also did Tournament Organization this month, to Barb and Rick Urrutia who did the courtside refreshments, and to Kathy Miles for procuring prizes.

Thanks to the Jordans for welcoming us into their home.  Thank you to the social crew who collected plates and washed up.  Thank you also to the many photographers: Sundar, Bob Brodersen, John Jordan, and Ruth Waters.

All of your assistance in running our events is greatly appreciated!

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